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Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation

Tolowa Dee-ni’ (people) live throughout Taa-laa-waa-dvn (Tolowa-Ancestral-Land), which lies along the Pacific Coast between the watersheds of; Wilson Creek and Smith River in California, and the Winchuck, Chetco, Pistol, Rogue, Elk and Sixes Rivers, extending inland up the Rogue River throughout the Applegate Valley in Oregon.

Tribal Initiatives

The mission of the Nvn-nvst-‘aa~-ta (Natural Resources) Department is to preserve and protect the natural and cultural resources of the Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation and Tolowa aboriginal territory. Our services promote culturally appropriate stewardship of Tribal lands, water, air and resources. These are the initiatives that are centered around the collective work of the TMSN.

Rocky Intertidal Monitoring

Environmental Stewardship

Seasonal surveys track the health and abundance of la’-na (sea stars) following the ravaging effects of sea star wasting disease. La’-na are counted and assigned a health designation for each site. This project uses Tribal Intertidal Digital Ecological Surveys (TIDES) to image and create 3D models of intertidal habitats that determine the movement of organisms and plants in response to sea level rise and climate change. These efforts inform management recommendations on climate change adaptations and overall habitat health and resilience.

Lhvmsr (Surf Smelt) Population Monitoring Using eDNA

Environmental Stewardship

After a 6-year habitat assessment of lhvmsr spawning grounds and finding them more than suitable and available, our next effort focuses on the presence or absence of lhvmsr in the water by using eDNA technology. We compile this information to create a graph of where the lhvmsr are present. These efforts inform management recommendations on climate change adaptations and overall habitat health and resilience.

Netlh-‘ii~-ne Stewards Program

Tribal Capacity Building

This program trains Tribal Citizens to steward their ancestral territory through a variety of stewardship practices, natural resources management strategies, cultural practices, and TDN Natural Resources Department protocols and projects. Participants engage in monitoring and compliance activities and learn about Natural Resource program (Fisheries, Marine, Habitat & Wildlife, and Water Quality). They also participate in modules about Tolowa culture, language, geography, history, and traditional knowledge.

Learn More & Connect With Us

The Tolowa Dee-ni’ pursue ecological resilience, economic development and social programs, and we defend our sovereignty to meet the terms set forth in our mission statement: Honoring Our Past; Serving Our Tribal Family; Protecting Our Culture and Independence; and Controlling Our Future.

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